Thursday 1 May 2014

Photoshop: Photo Collection Stencil

Now that I have collected a large number of primary research photos on overlooked/unnoticed art, I decided to present them in an engaging way using Photoshop. 

I first imported all of my photos into the program, using the free transform tool to line them up against the grid (which I selected by going on view - show - grid) ensuring they were all the same size and rotated to be landscape. This then formed a grid of photos that I could use as a background.

Next I created a stencil using the quote- Inspiration comes from everywhere, its what you do with it that counts. I chose this quote as I feel it links to the recognition and use of overlooked art that I have showed throughout my work.
To create the stencil I first used the marquee select tool, creating a large box the size of the page (A4). I used the paint bucket tool to fill it with my selected colour. 
I next created a new layer in which I used the text tool to type out my quote and select a clear bold font. Once I had done this, I used the magic wand tool whilst holding shift to select each of the individual letters. Once all selected I clicked onto the layer that the box I previously made was in. I then went to edit - cut, which cut the letter shapes out of the box. I could then delete the layer that had the text in. Now that the letters were cut out of the box, the background of my photos that I made earlier could be seen through.

I feel this was successful as I effectively presented my photos collected to date in a visually interesting way. Instead of just reading the quote, the viewer is pulled in by the background of photos showing through, wanting to explore these forms of art that would normally be overlooked.

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