Wednesday 14 May 2014

Minature people- developed

These are my developed figures with the modern/playful twists added...

 This is my finished Adam and Eve scene inside the mug. I placed a small Apple Mac onto Eve's lap to make the scene more contemporary, whilst playing with the pun of her being on an APPLE mac whilst Adam is about top eat the famous apple off the tree. I feel this piece has been very successful as it only appears to be a normal mug from a distance, yet on closer inspection this famous scene comes into view, appearing visually interesting, engaging, and slightly humorous. From doing this and presenting it to my class, I have found it is the slight shock factor of  the scene that initially interests the viewers, and so if I am to make more figures they need to have something unique and possibly slightly shocking about them to fully engage the viewers.

This was my next creation: A group of priests taking a selfie...


Once again I had to snap the arms off  of one of the priests and glue them back into my desired position with super glue, which is still proving an effective method. I  then researched priests and gathered a few photos to base the outfits on so they would clearly look like priests. As none of my plain figures had skirts/robes on, I had to cut a small rectangle of paper to wrap around their legs and glue down with super glue. I applied the paint more thickly around this area to ensure the paper would smoothly blend in with the rest of the figure. I used the tip of a very fine paint brush to paint on the crosses. The mobile phone was made out of a tiny cut of cardboard as I found I couldn't cut and sand a piece of plastic into shape, as it was too small. I then used super glue to stick the figures down onto a piece of acetate so they could stand upright without any support. The acetate will allow me to place the figures onto any surface, where they will appear to be freely standing on that surface as it will show through the acetate.

I next created a small group of Bishops. Once again I based them on photos I found on the internet as this was the quickest method of finding this research. This time I decided to experiment with creating a playful scene.

 I already had in mind a location for placing these figures in the church from my visit there...
(the pipe)

I aim to place the figures in a line along the pipe so they appear to be walking along it, with one bishop giving another a helping hand as you can see, and another bishop listening to his music on his headphones. The other will be walking along as normal to ensure the scene doesn't look overdone or too ridiculous, but interesting and humorous enough to draw the viewer in.
To create the bishops I once again had to create the bottom of their robes using paper (apart from on the female figure). I decided to leave the arms how they were as I felt the crossed arms created an effective tiresome, fed up aesthetic for some of the figures, particularly the bishop sat on the other bishop's shoulders. The crossed arms made him appear child-like, adding to the playful humorous appearance of the scene. To create the Bishops hats (called mitres) I used sandpaper to shape the plastic until it looked similar to the photos I had found.

After discussing these ideas with Justin I decided I am going to create more figures/scenes, but possibly based on a playful/humorous question or title (such as do priests play ping pong?) which the viewers may find amusing, or I may create a scene with more controversy within it (such as a nativity scene with two shepherds having a fight) which the viewers may find shocking or amusing. I feel this will make the work a lot more engaging and visually interesting.

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