Statement of Intent

Overlooked Art


Section 1 Progress and achievement through units 1 to 7

Throughout this course I have widened my knowledge and skills across a diverse range of art and design subjects.  This was achieved through a series of projects and workshops including small metals sessions, life drawing, university workshops on illustration and architecture, contextual study sessions, 3D design, photography, and fine art based projects. Some of these project areas were new to me and so presented new challenges, therefore rewarding me with greater technical knowledge, understanding, awareness, and skill. These new skills and techniques began influencing my work, encouraging me to synthesise them to create more successful, contextual outcomes. This then led to me becoming aware of the possibilities of working in 3D, which I had never had the opportunity to do before. It was within this subject area that I developed a more personal style of work that has given me increased confidence that I can inject into future work.


Section 2 Pathway Choice

When I began the course I had very little experience with working in 3D, however through research, workshops, and experimentation I realised that 3D was the subject area that I enjoyed most. I discovered new artists such as Antony Gormley and Khalil Chishtee, whose beautiful enigmatic sculptures greatly inspired and influenced my work. I find these forms of art that are thought provoking and open to interpretation, very interesting and would like to keep creating work inspired by this process of making. I would like to develop my creative skills and knowledge in this subject area through exploring new artists, ideas, and materials.


Section 3 Final major project aims and realisation

This project will explore overlooked forms of art in the modern day, which could include anything from disregarded objects found in the streets to everyday items found in the home. I will investigate this by exploring how art is all around us, how it can be produced in an unnoticed moment of creativity, and asking the question of whether everyone is an artist in some way. This will require me to collect primary and secondary research on overlooked art including doodles e.g. carvings onto bus/train windows and seats, low art e.g. cartoons, outsider art, bricolage, and intervention art, particularly looking at Ben Wilson’s chewing gum art as this is a brilliant example of transforming an overlooked and rejected material into something beautiful and positive. The research will include me visiting the sites of overlooked artwork and taking photos, creating drawings, collecting photos and articles from the internet and books, and researching artists related to this matter. I will explore the techniques, materials and processes that these artists use to influence my own work; creating work  from perhaps overlooked materials or by placing them in overlooked places such as on the streets or in alleyways. I will record the text based research in a research folder along with my thoughts and ideas, and the drawing and experimental research in a sketchbook, using a range of mixed media to effectively present my ideas. Models and maquettes will be photographed and presented in my sketchbook, with analysis of artists, processes, and my own work on my blog. I will need to take into consideration the location in which my final 3D piece will be exhibited (The Holy Trinity Church) and the space that will be available to me. Therefore I will visit the site on multiple occasions to get the best perspective I can on this.


Section 4 Evaluation

To evaluate my progress I will organise a weekly plan to ensure I manage my time efficiently, and will evaluate the progress of my work through the use of a reflective visual diary (a blog). It is here that I will record any changes and discoveries. Tutorials with Justin, Lorna, Dale and Amanda will give me advice and guidance that will aid me in assessing the development of my work. Group critiques with my class will add to this, giving outsider’s perspectives, opinions, and suggestions for my work. This will allow me to critically analyse the development and success of the work in more depth.


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