Wednesday 23 April 2014

Trips- The Beach

To collect primary research I organised a trip to the beach, as I thought I may find different forms of unnoticed and overlooked art here.
I took photos throughout the entire journey to record my findings, as I knew this would be the most efficient method of recording whilst on the move.

From my journey I found that the most typical forms of overlooked art that I found around college and town were very scarce at the beach. I think this is due to the environment and the people that live there. Lee on Solent is a very popular place to live with the older generations, and so this could suggest there is a link between the inhabitants of an environment and the overlooked artwork created/found there. Maybe the younger generation are more creative, or open to expressing their creativity in public? Or have we become more tolerant to public forms of creativity as opposed to the older generation? This could be an interesting concept to explore.

If I were to take this journey again I would spend more time exploring overlooked places (alleyways, small streets, car parks, etc.) as I feel I may have found more results here. I would ensure when planning my journey that I would have time to do this. I am going to plan another journey to a different place so I can compare and contrast results.

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