Sunday 27 April 2014

Intervention scenes experiment

Leading on from the last experiment I wanted to explore creating a scene containing an almost unnoticeable intervention. I focused on a normal household room- the kitchen.
To aid me with my work, I used a regular overlooked object from the kitchen- cling film.
Using acrylic paint I painted overlooked artwork (from my primary research) onto the cling film. This enabled me to stick the cling film onto objects, with the paint appearing to be directly on the object. I used acrylic paint as I knew from experience that it would successfully stick to the cling film, whereas other paints wouldn't. I also knew that permanent markers would be successful, however these would be too bright and vivid, whereas with the paint I could create more accurate colours and a greater range of colours.
Once painted, I stuck the cling film to various places within the kitchen and photographed the scene.

I feel this has been successful as you have to search the photo for the intervention, however it doesn't take too long to find. When viewing the photo without being aware there is a hidden piece of artwork within it, it is almost unnoticeable, with the scene appearing normal. Therefore I feel I have achieved my aim.
If I were to do this experiment again I would create a larger number of interventions and select the most successful ones. With more time I could do this, and print out the scenes as a piece of work. Another route I could explore is to place interventions in public places (without causing any damage), and maybe explore whether people notice them/how they react.

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