Wednesday 2 April 2014

College creativity experiment

For this experiment I placed A1 sheets of paper in 4 locations around my college- The wall near North Hall, a childcare corridor, a uniformed services corridor, and a wall near the canteen. I chose these locations as I often see people waiting around in them, and so knew people wouldn't just walk past the sheet of paper and would possibly have time to take part in the activity. I felt the locations would also produce very different results due to the contrast in subject areas.
My initial thoughts were that the North Hall sheet would have more creative, skilful drawings due to being placed in a creative area, the uniformed services sheet would include big bold drawings and tags, the childcare sheet would be full of personality and slightly more feminine than the others, and the canteen sheet would include a real mixture, possibly with some more immature drawings and writing.
(what I was exploring)

Uniformed services-

As I predicted this included big bold drawings, which reflect the bold personalities commonly found in uniformed services students. They utilized a fairly physical way of leaving their mark (drawing around body parts, leaving lipstick marks), which is interesting as physicality is required in the uniformed services. Therefore I feel these students effectively left their mark by reflecting their personality and traits through their drawings. I like the way the instruction has been twisted on this sheet, and someone has drawn 'Mark'. This demonstrates the persons ability to think outside the box.


Similar to the sheet above, this sheet also included very bold confident drawings/text. However there is a much more feminine nature about this one, communicated through the feminine writing, love hearts, and quotes. I found it amusing how a hand print had been left on this sheet as well as the one above, however this drawing appeared to have nail varnish added! This small detail changes the drawing into something a lot more feminine, fitting in with the rest of the sheet. As found in my research, stick men are often drawn by people who are in control of their emotions and focused on their goals in life, which is a description that I think would fit the stereotypical childcare student (as i don't know any of them myself). These particular stick men also appear to communicate a lot of personality, which is a helpful trait for people who want to work with children and so a trait that these students will most likely have.


As expected this sheet shows a wide range of drawings and text. The writing appears to be mainly by males, with a doodle in the top right that looks more feminine and so is probably the work of a female. Unlike the others this sheet has been dominantly used as a way of communicating with people.

North Hall-

This sheet included some quite skillful drawings, however the pencil was broken early on and so the quantity of responses here is very low. However the quality is high, and as found in my research intricate drawings often reflect a very driven being who will not let go of their ambitions or loved ones.

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