Thursday 10 April 2014

Bricolage experiment

 After researching bricolage (found in my research folder) I decided to experiment with this technique myself. From local knowledge I know that the alleyways further down my road are very long and full of a range of discarded objects, some of which could be of some interest to me in relation to this project. Therefore I planned a visit to one of these alleyways, with the aim to create something 3 dimensional there and then with whatever materials I could find around me. This proved very difficult as I had limited objects to use and nothing to join them together with apart from the very small amount of string I found. Therefore if I were to do this experiment again I would maybe take something like sellotape or glue to aid me, and I would pick an area with more interesting objects available.

 This is my outcome...

The inspiration for this idea came from a thought I had whilst searching for the items. I realised how confined the experiment was, as I had limited materials and techniques available to me. The idea of confinement then developed into me confining the objects I found, and so they now reflected the environment and the nature of the experiment.
Once I had completed the experiment I realised I had contained my message within a bottle, which is ironic in regards to the literal item of a message in a bottle.
I feel the outcome is successful as it is quite engaging and makes you wonder what the message is. Its a very simple object that could easily be overlooked, however at a closer glance the viewer is able to explore each individual item that makes up the piece and see that the simple looking object has  a lot more depth than it first appears to.

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